Sunday, March 6, 2011

From the Streets of Salem ; Social Security Failing Seniors

I remember as a young girl growing up in Salem my mother working and at times even working two jobs if necessary to take care of her family.

The clothes my brothers and I wore, the food we ate, the heat that kept us warm during the cold winter months and even the presents under the tree on Christmas morning were there because I had a parent that came from a generation of hardworking Americans.
These are Americans or even non-Americans who are being taught that working hard is not the way to achieve anything. Typically it is also the working class who is denied any assistance that they may need such as healthcare, fuel assistance, housing, and even food stamps because the government claims they make too much money while living week to week.

They were a generation that witnessed wars such as WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War; a generation that stood in the Depression-era soup lines; a generation that was raised by parents that believed if you worked hard then you were able to achieve anything.
Unfortunately, this same generation that should be recognized for their hard work, sacrifices and helping to shape our country into what it is today including who we are as individuals are now the retirees who have been denied a cost of living increase due to low inflation.

Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue stated that, “Social Security is doing its job helping Americans maintain their standard of living.”

Well, I have witnessed an elderly mother, friends and neighbors who make choices between both eating and buying their much-needed medicine. I have actually spoken to some seniors who admitted to me that they purchase pet food yet they have no pets at all. I heard my mother tell me not to call an ambulance during an emergency situation because she owes the ambulance company too much money.

And it is not only owing money for healthcare it is also not being eligible for food stamps or hardly any food stamps at all because you are an older American that makes too much money with your Social Security benefits. I have even gone to a food pantry with my mother and when she asked if the quarts of milk were available for everyone, she was told only if you have a child who lives in your household. I guess that our seniors do not need to drink something as nutritional as milk.

Most importantly, 50 million retirees who have for the first time since 1975 gone without a cost of living raise because of low inflation deserve to be taken care of financially. It is the generation that has gone without enough in order to sacrifice for their families and their country and it is the generation that should no longer go without.

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1 comment:

  1. Al Roker's show: Lend a Hand Today this is great work!
    Lend a Hand Today keep up the good work and have a great day!
